True Friends

Friends are not things we collect.  They are people we trust and value.

Ever go to a funeral and hear the eloquent eulogies about the departed?  Why wait until it’s too late?  We’re living now.

Friends don’t happen by accident and friendship has little to do with fate.  It’s more about us – are we worthy of true friends?

  • A friend verbalizes their feelings for another with a compliment and the evidence to support it.
  • Friends don’t keep tabs on how many good deeds they do for each other.  You owe everybody and everybody owes you – that’s the mark of true friendship.
  • Friends are never jealous.  Jealousy is the scourge of our civilization and it has no place in true friendships.  We wish for others that which they wish for themselves.  And they wish the same for us.
  • True friends are reliable and predictable.  Think about it, the person you call your best friend is likely to be a rock when you need him/her or always there at anytime when you need them.
  • A true friend cannot be tallied on Facebook but can be counted in your heart as a valued human being.

If you have true friends, it is a testament to your ability to value another without asking for anything in return – always.

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